The #ReWriteWestVirginia movement is about educating the world on Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. We will no longer stand by and watch as this state is projected by the media in a negative way. West Virginia is a beautiful state, full of potential beyond the reach of the media. This state has and continues to contribute a myriad of resources and innovation, making this world a better place to live. TreCosta Entertainment will share them with the world by traveling the state filming unique and positive attributes found only in West Virginia. We will capture stories and images, conduct interviews, and participate in activities that display the hidden treasures found only in this great state. The TreCosta family strives to lead the way in creating high quality and valuable Appalachian films that will inspire the world for the greater good.
TreCosta Entertainment will also sponsor events throughout the state donating a portion of each event to assist in strengthening the local community's image or assist local programs in meeting the needs of families.
Click the Events tab for more information about events in your area,
how to participate in, or donate to the #ReWriteWestVirginia movement.
Or you can Contact Us by clicking on the Contact Us tab to request an event in your areas.